Thursday, October 6, 2016

Apple Watch

I've always loved watches, for as long as I could remember. I was weird about them though because I never wore them for what they were created for. Instead, I wore them for fashion reason; the flashy and stylish, the better. More times that I would like to admit, I wear watches that do work properly. Do I know that it doesn't work? Of course I do, but I love how cute it looks on my wrist. Crazy...I know. But, what caught my eye not too long ago was the idea of the Apple Watch. I've had various Apple products, most of them being the phones and iPod. Never have I thought about the Apple Watch though. What a cool feature it is!


  • Operates off of Bluetooth so your phone does not need to be in your hand the entire time
  • Text messaging and phone calls are available (you can't talk through the phone unfortunately)
  • Calendar updates, notifications, reminders, Ask Siri, are all available through the watch
  • Very fashionable and comes in different variations ( Apple Watch Sport, Apple Watch Hermes, and Apple Watch Nike)
  • Fitness Tracking (now you are able to track the miles you run and the calories you burn all thanks to the watch)
  • Integrated with the iOs program and can be used with any iPhone 5 model and up.

I think this an incredible technological advance and I can't wait to see the newer additions they add in the near future!

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