Sunday, October 30, 2016

Social Media Can Be An Advantage

More often than not, we hear the negativity of social media in our world and how we need to use less of it. Everywhere I go lately I have been noticing the hashtags of businesses being promoted for discounts, offers, and essentially providing more awareness of the business itself. A tactic that can be more successful than paying for ads to be displayed on billboards, television, and the internet. When someone uses a hashtag, generally they are using that on social media sights such as Instagram or Twitter, which then promotes the business or event happening for followers and other social media
users to see. Last night, I had dinner in Detroit and then went to the Luke Bryan concert at Ford Field. Both of the businesses had hashtags on display for their guests who were posting about their
experience to include. From my experience first hand, I decided to post a photo of the dinner and concert online, including the hashtags from both business. My post went onto Instagram and
Facebook which I knew was being actively viewed by my friends and followers. Because of this post, I was able to get seats an entire level lower because a friend saw that I was at Ford Field on her
newsfeed and met up with me. If I hadn't posted about my experience on social media, I would have enjoyed the concert from a level higher, watching the silhouettes of the performers, rather than seeing the performers just a few hundred feet away! By being open about social media and using it in a mindful practice can, I believe, have positive effects in the long run.

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