Tuesday, March 1, 2016


So I found a new website when I was actually writing my reading reflections. The website is called slideshare.net, and its what the title suggests. You can go on their and share your PowerPoint presentations, keynote slides, and even your SMART board presentations. The cool thing about this site is that you don't even have to have an account to have to look at the videos and presentations that they have on their. You obviously can make an account if you want, this gives you access to share your slides whenever you want to. Now I know what your probably thinking, we can find that kind of stuff on YouTube, well yes you can but the good thing about this site is that all the presentations on there you know are legit, and you don't have to deal with adds and too many distractions. Its good for teaching because you can upload you lectures and once your students click on one of your lectures they can go to your page and see other things that your have uploaded. They can continue their learning outside of the classroom. I think its a great thing to have and more teachers should be doing it. Giving their students this type of access to their lectures will improve their learning and their grades and all in all classroom community.  

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