Thursday, March 3, 2016

Flipped Classrooms: Must or Bust?

After learning about flipped classrooms in my Technology in Education class, I was curious as to what students thought about this new method of  running a classroom, and what students liked about this method if they were in a flipped classroom. Before this class, I had never heard of a flipped classroom before or experienced what it was like. This method of holding a class is completely different from what a traditional classroom setting is like. In a flipped classroom, students do not receive direct instruction from the teacher or instructor during the class period. Rather, students go home and either watch a video or complete an activity related to the content being taught, and come to class to complete homework and ask the teacher questions about the topic. This method of teaching requires students to take on a position of responsibility and independence for their learning and changes the role of a teacher from an instructor to a facilitator of knowledge.

Here is a link to a video in which students are asked why they like or do not like a flipped classroom:

From watching this video one can determine that most of the testimonies are positive and that the students quite enjoy their experience in this type of classroom. Most of them claim that they like not having to do homework at home and would much rather just watch a video instead. I would see this method working with almost all grade levels as well.

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