Thursday, March 17, 2016

Online Math Homework
     Online math homework was something I was only really introduced to in college. While we may have gone down to the computer lab once in a while in high school, that was rare. Coming into college, 99% of my experience with technology came in the form of written in a notebook with a calculator and that was all the technology we had. My senior year, there was a smart board that was used, but functioned more for taking notes off of and we rarely got to use it.
     After working with math homework online and with a software program, I can honestly say I hate it. Besides getting used to plugging math equations and answers in online, there is no benefit to learning this way. The only, perhaps, excuse for doing this is to incorporate technology more into the classrooms, but few students did well on the assignments and it was quickly dropped.
     Math is one of those subjects where putting technology in the classroom to work on such material is rarely helpful for the students in the long run. Maybe using  a smart board as a notebook to work out examples for the whole class to see or if there is software which can show complex equations, but having students work it out by themselves on some website will not help them. All it does is added unwanted stress for the students who, if they make on mistake, get the question wrong and are unable to ask the teacher for assistance. Yes, having the students learn on their own is important, but having it be online is not the answer. Math homework online does little to further the educational process.

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