Friday, March 18, 2016

Google Docs

Google Docs is something that I heard of but never used once in my life. Until this class i never used Google Docs, I was a Windows girl and that's all I really used. Now since this class I have started using Google Docs and I've come to realize that it is a very good tool and I really like using it. I like the fact that I can share the document with anybody I want and I can also give then the option of editing on my document. Another thing that I like about Google Docs is that it is free, with Windows you have to buy the whole package which can cost up to a 100 dollars or more and you have to continue to update and renew it. With Google Docs though all you have to do is make an account and you can use it and many other tools that Google offers. Another aspect I like about Google Docs is that it makes group projects for school a lot easier. You can share one document with your whole group and every single person can add to it, it is a little weird when your working on it and you can see someone else typing their part. I think that I will be using Google Docs more often because as long as I have my google account I can always have my papers and assignments because they automatically get saved to your account, you don't have to worry about your computer crashing and losing all your work, it stays right there.

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