Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Does Technology Boost Confidence in the Classroom?

In the video above, a teacher claims that technology has boost the confidence of the classroom dramatically. She specifically uses Google Hangouts, a unified communications service that allows members to initiate and participate in text, voice or video chats, either one-on-one or in a group. However, it is at this point that the teacher in the video seems to get off topic. Instead of discussing confidence she starts discussing technology as a communication tool. She then gives an example that she uses Google Hangouts as a setting for study groups. Many of her students in the class room may seem anxious to speak up in the class room, however, during the Google Hangouts sessions her students would become more outgoing and would be more willing to participate. This could also be a result of Google Hangouts allowing the teacher to communicate with students in smaller, more personal study sessions. Thus, the confidence gained during the online learning sessions translated into the class room. However, at the end of the video I was not completely convinced; I found myself asking if it is the technology that boosts confidence or if it is something else. When considering the technology we have learned in class such as blogging, pod casting, and online learning all have a strong emphasis on communication. Thus, it is not the technology that boosts confidence in the classroom, but communication that boosts confidence.

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