Monday, February 29, 2016

Sir Ken Robinson

     If you have never heard a TED Talk by Sir Ken Robinson, you should. He believes, “We are educating people out of their creativity”. This rendition of Changing Education Paradigms  is creatively illustrated by RSA Animate, so it also interesting to watch. He urges that a change be made to how we educate children, which should be different from how children were educated before the technology boom. He also believes that there is not an ADHD epidemic, but rather children are being (over) medicated so they will not be so distracted within the intensely stimulating world we live in. He feels there is a connection between the increase in cases of ADHD and the increase in standardized testing. We, as future teachers, need to be aware of how each student needs to learn. Some students’ behaviors are influenced by the size of groupings, times of the day, or merely interest in subject matter. Robinson has given me a lot to think about on the subject of education and how to become an effective teacher!

(another interesting TED Talk by Robinson Do Schools Kill Creativity?)

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