Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Use of iPads in the Classroom

Apple has had several great inventions since the start of the 2000's, many of which people in the United States have, or had, at least one Apple product in the last fifteen years. The added technology has made our lives easier; but, could it make the day to day life of teachers easier? The rise in schools purchasing Apple tech is a clear cut indication of how effective the tech can be in the classroom setting. With access to the App Store, the possibilities for application use to engage and enhance students is truly limitless. Want to work with students on calculus? There's an app for that. Need students to create podcasts? There's an app for that. Students need to get better at their geographical locations? There's an app for that. Want students to take a pop quiz every day? There's an app for that.

One red flag that comes up is students messing around on the devices, doing whatever they'd like while there is work to be done. With the ability to block what students are able to do within the device, teachers don't have to worry as much that students will use the devices for randomness when lessons are being taught. Another interesting aspect is the prospect of eliminating day-to-day paper handouts for class. Just by looking at the numbers of paper schools will save is a reason enough to purchase the devices! Under a rough estimate if a teacher hands one sheet of paper a day, that is 180 sheets over the course of the year, per student in one class! Having the operational features of the iPad allows teachers to use tools like Google Collaboration to have on going class agendas during lecture. The use of iPad in the classroom creates limitless options for enhanced learning.

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