Tuesday, September 22, 2020

SMART Boards are a type of technology used in the classroom. They are extremely helpful, especially because they can help keep students engaged. The great thing about SMART boards is that you can add on separate apps to help, but you can also connect your computer to it. It is widely used in elementary school classrooms, especially because kids love to draw on the whiteboard, and these you don’t have to clean. It’s also great because you can use it for a variety of things, such as diagrams, directions, or pictures/videos. A con of this is that during power outages you will not be able to use this, another problem is that it can have some visual challenges, such as if the lights are on you can’t see it or if you don’t write super neatly. Another problem is that there is a learning curve, just like with all technology. It also isn’t that popular in middle and high schools. This is a great alternative to older technology such as an Elmo or overhead projector. Another negative is that a lot of times this takes up a lot of space, so you may lose your whiteboard space. Another thing is that these tools are becoming a little outdated, with new projectors taking its place. With these new projectors, you have all the same pros, and you can still use your whiteboard and they take up less space! Overall I think SMART boards are a great tool for elementary classrooms, however, there might be newer technology with less of the hassle.  


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