Monday, September 14, 2020

DISCORD: Better Connections as a Student

 Hi, guys so I’m sharing a Platform I use regularly, Discord. Discord is a  Group-Chatting platform that’s most popular among gaming circles but it can be useful as a student. Discord can be useful for setting up study groups and the Site offers a template shown below.

The premade template comes with a variety of rooms with the # Symbol dictating text-only channels and the 🕪 symbol indicating voice channels. I find Discord a bit better for planning events than snap chat as you can separate information into clusters as opposed to everything being in one long group chat conversation on something like Snapchat or WhatsApp. Using something like the “homework-help” channel and having everyone use that channel for homework exclusively and another for scheduling group calls cuts down on clutter significantly and would allow for information to be accessed more readily regardless of what form of technology a person is using as Discord is on PC and Mobile devices. I also find it's messaging less clunky than Canvas because it was made for instant messaging as opposed to Canvas which mimics emails. Along with just being a good form of chatting Discord also has some public servers revolving around Languages like Chinese, English, Latin, Japanese, etc. and even communities dedicated to coding languages. Along with a Plethora of bots like Rythm, which can play qued music, and MEE6 which tracks and rewards participation in a Server. Here’s an article which looks at Discord as a Platform: Here’s an explanation on how to make a server and some other FAQ things from Discord directly:

Discord Logo Image Source: 

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