Sunday, September 13, 2020


Remind is a communication platform that allows for teachers to connect with students. I think that it is a great service because it keeps both teacher’s and student's private contact information private. There are no phone numbers exchanged. A teacher simply signs up through the website ( or app and is provided with a class code. Students text this code to the number that Remind provides and they are added to the classroom. The teacher can also create multiple classrooms if they have multiple classes.

Remind is useful because it is quicker than email. I think that most students check their text messages often if not the moment they come in. Nowadays, phones are always in students’ hands, so I think that this is a great way of connecting with them. It can be utilized to remind students of upcoming assignments, tests/quizzes, and due dates or to bring a certain material/book that day to class. It can also remind students of an alternative meeting location like the computer lab or library. When I was in middle and high school, I would always forget the change in location and would end up in an empty classroom, so this would have been a great tool. Teachers can also preschedule reminders, so that they don’t have to remember themselves to send out a reminder in the moment.

Another important feature of remind is that it allows teachers to turn on two-way communication if they choose. This can be great for students who have quick questions or need clarification. Students also have the option to contact the teacher individually. I think that this option could be invaluable for students who are too shy or anxious to speak up in class or in a group. 

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