Sunday, September 27, 2020


    Fishbowl is a professional communication app that is available for Android and Apple devices.  This app allows people from all different professions to share thoughts, advice, stories and much more with one another.  Some of the many professions included are healthcare, accounting, law, and teaching.  In all of these careers, it is important to keep in touch with one's peers, and share ideas and thoughts with one another.

    Fishbowl is a great app for teachers because it is an excellent way to spread creativity and new ideas.  It can be hard to always think of new lesson plans and activities on your own, and talking with other teachers is a great way to branch out and brainstorm.  The app also gives the option to stay anonymous if a user isn’t comfortable with disclosing any personal information. 

    I can picture Fishbowl being used by teachers in many different scenarios.  One of the scenarios that popped into my head would be advice on how to handle different classroom situations.  This could include getting advice on how to handle a student who is having academic struggles, better ways to make a classroom inclusive for a special needs student, and tips on keeping students engaged in class.  The list could go on forever.  Fishbowl provides so many helpful resources for different professions, and will be something I would want to use as a teacher in the future.

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