Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Kahoot! In the Classroom


Kahoot! is a browser and app based entertainment/learning tool that can be used to create visually engaging and easy to use quizzes that can be accessed on almost any device with an internet connection from within a classroom or remotely at home. Kahoot!'s simple multiple choice games allow a teacher to more quickly gauge how well a class engaged and understood the lesson, be it with short questions during the course of a lecture or lesson or with an end of class quiz. The teacher can quickly download the results page after the game ends as well as display current scores in the middle of a quiz to  let students see how they match up or have incentive to show they are doing well. Kahoot! uses a colorful user interface that can quickly catch the eye of a student and looks more game-like to younger students who need a bit more incentive to engage with a learning tool.

Source: https://kahoot.com/blog/2017/10/11/showing-magic-kahoot -disney-accelerators-demo-day/

For teachers of all subjects and technological skill, Kahoot! makes creating its quizzes and running them during class as easy as possible. By going to https://create.kahoot.it/  a teacher can quickly access a template from which they can add questions and potential answers, as well as media to go along with each question. After the teacher completes their question set, they will be given a unique code that students can enter on the device based app or a web based app and enter the question set for the class. This allows for a teacher to dictate when the students will have access, making it easier to use the app for quizzes or even tests. Kahoot! has its limitations but it certainly addresses a need for engaging and well designed teaching tools that can be used both inside classrooms and remotely when the need arises.

Source: https://giuliapucci.weebly.com/kahoot.html

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