Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Kahoot! is an app that allows teachers to add a touch of fun into their recipe of lessons. Kahoot! the app was created in order to help students take quizzes or fun games like trivia. It allows teahers to create engaging yet effective quizzes, It is designed to connect to students nowadays that spend most their time playing games or on electronic devices. When the app is launched on the device being used a screen pops up asking for a unique PIN that students/users get from the "creator" of the quiz you will be taking.
On the teacher's screen presented to you, you see the questions and the 4 multiple choice answers (each answer with a different background color). And on your own device, you have 4 boxes with the 4 colors/shape that was presented behind the answers. You give the answer from your device and it tracks how many wrongs/rights someone answered
It is an amazing way to add creativity and excitement to studying and preparing for exams/quizzes. Kahoot allows you to check up on the progress and understanding of students without adding pressure on them or making them feel bad for not knowing the answer. The results of the game are known by the teacher only and it is a way.

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