Wednesday, September 20, 2017


A technology that maybe some of you didn’t think of to use for learning is something you probably use every day! YouTube is a great tool for learning! In high school, many of my teachers would actually assign homework that involved watching certain YouTube videos. We watched a lot of videos from John and Hank Green’s “Crash Course” channels. We also would watch BrainPop videos via youtube as well. Since YouTube is so popular, you can probably find a helpful video on any subject for school. You can subscribe to channels to get notifications to when a new video is updated. I find it useful to download the YouTube app rather than getting to it via browser because the formatting is much better and you get extra perks like skipping ahead 10 seconds by double tapping on the right side of a video. When you create a youtube account, it will recommend videos to you based on the vids you have watched. YouTube is free, which is extremely important to us college kids paying tuition. So instead of watching cat videos, (which are extremely entertaining by the way) try using YouTube for educational purposes!

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