Tuesday, September 19, 2017


In the age of digital natives electronics in the educational system are rapidly booming, and the digital immigrants methods of teaching are surely dying. Children as well as adults generally enjoy playing  games and are motivated to finish something when they can make it interesting; so why not combine the two and make learning enjoyable? well luckily there are plenty of new resources for that. Teachers are now more then ever using games as a new primary source of learning, such as this online website  https://www.funbrain.com/It is an online website that combines games and rewards to learning. This method leaves students wanting more because they are gaining something out of it without realizing they are putting in the efforts to expand their knowledge. 
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This online website ranges from K-8 grades of learning. It has different sections for English, math, and sciences as well as videos and readings. In between the learning there are rewards and online games that take learning to a whole new level. This ensures students are getting the most out of their education by allowing them to enjoy their studies and giving them the motivation to come back for more.

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