Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Chromebooks in the Classroom.

A new school year has begun and my 16 and 9 year daughters are out of my hair and back in the classroom. I attended both the elementary and highschool orientation nights and was quite excited to find a new addition to their classrooms. Both of my daughters will now have access and gain experience using Chromebooks. In my children's school there has never been chromebooks or ipads, and it had me thinking, why now? What will this costly investment offer to my children that the library or a computer lab cannot? So I did some research and this is what I found out….

You can buy a Samsung Chromebook for just about $200 from best buy. It looks like a mini-laptop and from an amateurs point of view has everything that a laptop would offer. It’s rating is 4.6 stars and can complete many tasks associated with education. Now more than ever we rely on the internet to explore our education. I think that my children have a greater chance at being successful having knowledge in navigating a PC or similar device. Teachers now have to educate students on how to research credible sources, and show students how to discern truth from false media or critically analyze information. The use of Chromebooks can show students how to access credible sources, prove thesis statements,  and research subject content without having to go to the library or rely on outside sources. All children will have the ability to get the information they need to complete tasks that they could not otherwise. It is individualized and cooperative. Books are available, collaboration note taking is possible, educational games can help memorization, and projects can all be completed. We are in a Tech savvy global world were my children absolutely need a chromebook in the classroom to keep up with the demands of today's world.

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