Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Sensory Rover Distraction Unit

The Sensory Rover Distraction Unit diverts your child's attention from medical worries to a hands-on light show that makes hospital rooms feel more like amusement parks. This is meant to calm both you and your child's fears. The Sensory Rover Distraction Unit takes kids from the hospital bed to a virtual fun house, unlike anything they’ve seen before. It has a projector that projects a circular lava lamp type image onto the wall or ceiling and a stereo to play music. The Distraction Unit helps take your child's mind off of any medical issues and turn awestruck by playing with all of the lights. The hospital can be unfamiliar or scary for some kids and their routine is interrupted, so they may feel they don’t have many choices. This technology is made to help children cope with the fact of being hospitalized. Visit this website for more information
Image result for sensory rover distraction unit

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