Monday, January 23, 2017


Image result for iclicker

Image result for iclicker
White remote is used for students, blue is for the teacher.
An iClicker is a device that instructors can use during class to allow their students to anonymously respond to questions that are asked. It is most useful with a large classroom, for example a lecture class with over 100 students where it may be hard to interact with everyone. The iClicker looks like a remote with 6 simple buttons on it, listed A-E and the power button. A professor will put up a slide with a multiple choice question on it and then you may click the answer you want to choose from your remote. Answers are then immediately tallied up and displayed for the teacher to see the results. Some professors may even use the iClicker to take attendance. It connects with your student account, so if you answer a question it lets your professor know you were present in class. This will keep students involved in the lecture and give them the chance to participate.


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