Sunday, January 22, 2017

Plickers: Formatively assess your class, mannequin-challenge style.

All teachers should check out the Plickers app at

Plickers is an amazingly easy tool to formatively assess your students in real time. You just print out a class set of Plicker cards (I think of them as "answer papers") that can be used over and over again. The teacher poses a question and the students hold up their card to choose answer A, B, C, or D. (They do this by orienting their card so that their chosen answer is at the top, see photo below.)

The teacher then scans his or her phone across the room and the app records all the students answers.

Results are instantly tabulated and ready to inform your instruction!


Plickers is a HUGE timesaver: grading formative assessments is a snap, and there's no need for students to have their own devices. Many students even enjoy Plickers as if it were some kind of game!

Photo credits:

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