Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Lets Recap!

Have you ever been in the middle of a lesson, looked up and saw 30 blank faces staring back at you? So you do what any teacher would do, “Does anyone have any questions?” Again, 30 blank faces staring back at you. So you carry on and hope for the best. Well that is a thing of the past, the new app called Recap that lets students discreetly let you know what they might not have understood! The way it works is students fire up the app, look into the camera, and reflect on the lesson you just gave. They get about 30 seconds and can speak directly to you, without the embarrassment of looking dumb in front of peers or afraid of that you the teacher might think they’re not so bright. Recap can help with any type of lesson: Math, English, Science, History, even P.E! It not only lets students talk to you but it also lets you know how much has really sunk in and what parts of the lesson the students really understood!

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