Wednesday, January 18, 2017

While teaching it is essential that we check for a students understanding as much as possible. However it is important that we do this in a timely and efficient manner. Constantly quizzing or students or bogging them down with paperwork useses up valuable class time. Enter Plickers uses your mobile device and captia technology to only help you monitor your classes understanding but it will automatically track the data for you. It basically takes asking student for a show of hands and takes it to the next level. Each student is provided with a numbered captia card that provides four possible answers labeled A,B,C and D on each side of the captia square. The answer the student provides is determined by the orientation of the card. How does. It work? The teacher will enter the desired multiple questions and answers into Plickers. The students are then presented the questions and asked to answer by holding up thier card with thier desired answer at the top. The teacher then will use the Plickers app on thier mobile device to scan the room in order to collect the students answers. These answers are then immediately calculated, displayed and stored to the teachers Plickers account.

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