Wednesday, January 25, 2017


It's time to throw out the old star stickers with each students' name on it and welcome ClassDojo! In ClassDojo, teachers can give out points to students for helping others, staying on task, participating, persistence, teamwork, and working hard! Need more options? Teachers can add more skills to their list with no problem! Also, there is an option to take points away from students if they are not following directions. The straws and solo cups are no longer needed! As a former first grade tutor, my students loved getting points! When points were giving out, students would notice and try to be the perfect student we wanted them to be. Talk about a way to get your class to be quite! This website is also an app on mobile devices. So if little Jimmy acts up at recess, you pull out your smartphone and deduct his points. This app/website is also available for students and parents. Teachers can invite parents to see what is happening in the class and what their student is doing. Teachers have the option to write a post or post pictures! Also, parents and teachers can privately message each other on ClassDojo. As for students, they can show off their classwork by posting photos or videos to their story! ClassDojo is a wonderful tool for communication and creating positive behavior in the classroom.

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