Thursday, February 7, 2019

Nurture Smart Mobile

 Introducing Nurture Smart Mobile- The most advance crib mobile ever invented! The mobile was designed for safety, cleaning capabilities, child development and comfort for infants 0-5 months of age.  Nuture Smart Mobile was created by 100 Child Life Specialist! Child Life Specialists are professions who work closely with families and children in a medical setting to serve emotional support, and help develop coping strategies. A child Life Specialist goal is to help decrease stress, and anxiety. 
This mobile has a variety of luscious features:
·     three rotating arms with three characters; a fish, a bear, and a star that keeps an infant engaged.
·     A dome mirror where a baby can see his or her face. Having a mirror is important for infants because they are shiny and bright. It helps them to increase the ability for infants to focus and develop social skills. 
·     Nightlight that projects starlight images
·     5 soothing sound options that include:
o   White noise
o   Ocean waves
o   A lullaby
o   Classical music
o   Heartbeat
·     conventional timer settings
·     No removable parts that can fall into the crib and put baby at risk
·     100% cleanable and built to withstand disinfectants
·     BPA free materials 
·     Long Lasting Battery 
·     Moving Joint 
·     Fully Assembled 
The Nuture Smart Mobile is an educational technology that is planned for visual and stimulation. Studies have been proven by Child Life Specialist, that the Nuture Smart Mobile helps soothe babies in the NICU and PICU in varies hospitals In America. This mobile is all about your child safety, development and staying germ free. You can purchase this mobile for only $99.95! 
“Provide optimum infant well-being with the most innovative crib mobile on the market” – Nuture Smart Mobile

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