Thursday, September 17, 2015

Apple Ipads Helping To Educate In The Special Education Field

It certainly is an amazing time to be in the special education field and being able to take advantage of the technology that is currently available to help in teaching those with special needs. One piece of technology that I think is great and most everyone has either heard of it, or owns one, is the Apple Ipad. The Ipad is a staple in the daily life of many people, but it's what lies inside some of the built in features that many may not know about. They are features that are being used in special education classrooms in many different locations and being used by many different types of students with various challenges.

One of the features that can be used, for example, is the "guided access" feature. It allows the instructor to hold a student in the application that's being used by blocking the usage of the "home" button. And if that's not enough, the instructor can take it one step further by disabling different areas of the screen from reacting to touch, as a means to keep the student focused on what's being taught without distractions. Some of the features that many people use every day, such as FaceTime, can assist those in communicating with sign language and the dictation feature can be used by those with reading impairments such as dyslexia. These are just a few examples of the many other possibilities.

I suggest checking out this article because I think it shows what kind of an impact that the Ipad has on the education world, more specifically the special education world.

I believe that with the use of technology such as the Ipad, current and future students, as well as the teachers, in the special education field will certainly benefit for the better.

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