Monday, April 13, 2015

Makeover Time: "No Child Left Behind" goes from terrible to Terrific?

Hello, Everyone! I believe that we all know about what a disaster No Child Left Behind was. With little to no support for teachers, and unrealistic achievement goals, NCLB was destined to fail. However, now the law is being revamped in a new way that makes it seem, dare I say, good? Lawmakers from both houses are revamping the law so that it makes things easier for teachers. In the article, which you can read here, the biggest change is that the states would decide if and how to evaluate teachers and what to do about low performing schools. This means that the Federal Government is now out of education, and that this could mean a brighter future for students.

However, this isn't all roses and strawberries, there are still problems to contend with. One is that Common Core is still being in effect, which beings its own set of challenges. Also, the law would still require a lot of standardized testing, which not many people have enjoyed the first time with the old NCLB, and would most likely not improve.

What do you guys think? Personally, I believe that this is a good thing. While it may not be perfect, it is at least something to help our students when nothing else seems to be done in congress about it.Granted saying, "It's better than the old NCLB" isn't saying much, but at least it is something, right?

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