Sunday, September 27, 2015

"Glogster:" like Presi but better?

The Czech-founded website, Glogster, is a lot like Presi—even founded the same year (2009)—although both have undergone serious changed over the course of the years. Instead of a 3D space, though, Glogster uses a poster format to organize ideas (which is better for students prone to nausea and for students with disabilities who could be confused by Presi’s wild movement). Though not available in many languages, Glogster does support a Spanish version, which would be helpful in many bilingual classrooms. Also an improvement to Presi is that the Glogster library of already-created presentations isn’t simply everything users have made, but rather the best and most accurate presentations. This library is available with both iOS and android phones. It’s designed for classroom use, to support or even replace other textbooks (though it would take extreme knowledge, organization (and arrogance?) on the teachers’ part to completely choose his/her own curriculum from a massive library of information instead of following a textbook. Other suggested educational used are to document fieldtrips while they’re happening—sound like facebook anyone?), create lectures, and self-educate using the library. The "Glogs" in the library are incredibly visually appealing and interactive (incorporating sound, video, text, images). “Glogging” is easy with lots of template options and vines explaining how different features function. Once you get past the welcome page and into the library though, the site ascetics diminish with a really dated looking “rate it” box at the bottom. (Check out this model Glog from the library—the whole site aesthetic diminishes greatly.) An account to create Glogs and using the library is free to all, but unfortunately, unless you have a teachers license, online courses through “Glogster School” carry a fee.

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