Tuesday, October 29, 2019


     QuizUp is an app for mobile devices where you can take quizzes made by other users about any topic you can think of! I used to spend hours on this app taking quizzes about T.V. shows that I watched or even books that I've read. There is also an option to make your own quizzes, which can be useful to educators to make quizzes about different material that they are covering. You can face random opponents form anywhere in the world. The only critiques I have to make about this app is that there isn't much sensitivity to the chat option and if using this in class, students may be distracted by other quizzes. Some pros of this app is that it is free to use, and students can take this on the go to take quizzes wherever they may be. Overall, I really love this app and think it has the potential to be a great technology tool for educators. 

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