Monday, October 21, 2019

Assistive Technology for Autistic Students

     Since most people have access to either a cell phone or a tablet, it is a good idea to utilize these devices when working with autistic children.  Since many autistic children experience deficits in communication, it is important to have something readily at hand to avoid unnecessary frustrations and to facilitate learning whenever possible.  Certain apps contain flashcards commonly used to speech therapists to capture common events, command, and so on (I remember using those cards with my speech therapist; they were laminated, constantly falling on the floor, and were often lost).  This system is superior because the educator and student can track which cards are used most frequently and can add cards as the student's vocabulary expands.  I also agree that the device can be handed to the student as a reward to play a quick game as opposed to providing a sticker or some toy that will be forgotten on the bottom of someone's backpack.


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