Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Codesters is an exciting website that helps translate code into easy steps for students. Created in 2016, Codesters was originally a free-to-use website that granted kids easy games they could construct out of "blocks" of code, introducing code as an easy concept for most. As time went on Codesters would add more their website, including a curriculum and a Learning Management System(LMS), but this would be at the downfall to the consumer. These additional tools would be accompanied with a new cost. While the access can still be accessed for free, many of the new quirks require a membership. This does not take away from what can be gained from Codesters.

From a teachers perspective, this would be a great addition to a school. Schools can actually apply for discounted rates and get accounts for multiple students. I also believe that this could be a great way to introduce an extra curricular to a school. If your school lacks in clubs and activities students can participate in other than sports, asking for a school discount and getting 30 accounts to open a "Coding Club" would be a great investment. With one teacher that could head the club, using the dashboard and curriculum to easily access what the students are doing would be an easy task. Having the ability to function outside of the school would also be easier for the teacher in charge. Not only could you help students that would otherwise not have access to the full website, you would also be bringing more students into the school life. I would love to see a smaller school do this and cater to students that don't find themselves engaged with other activities on the premise. I support this platform and would love if there was some sort of incentive to bring more students into the user base, such as perhaps having one day a month where the "paid for" services could be free for that 24 hours.

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