Tuesday, September 24, 2019


     Made in June of 2011, Twitch is an app used for live streaming or video streaming. Twitch is most commonly used to individually stream oneself playing video games such as Fortnite, eSports tournaments, and talk shows. Recently, the NBA actually started streaming the NBA G league games on Twitch along with statistics and commentary. This app, recently known as Justin.TV, was purchased by Amazon back in 2014 after, according to rumors, Google had backed out of a deal made with Twitch due to concerns with it's existing deal with Youtube.
     Every month Twitch receives around 43 million viewers and is the fourth largest internet source behind Netflix, Google, and Apple. Even though Twitch is mainly used as a video game streaming source, it is also used as a teaching resource also. Some users stream their programming projects and teach others their tips on software development.
     I think this app could broaden the topics in which users are streaming about and actually be used by teachers too. A teacher may run out of class time or assign an at-home assignment and use Twitch to stream them giving instructions or teaching the students/viewers a new lesson. There are endless possibilities with this app and I believe that even though this app is used by gamers now, the education community will be using this app too in the near future.

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