Tuesday, September 24, 2019

ABC mouse

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ABC mouse is an educational website that is for children age 3-8 which offers over 9,000 activities for children to due ranging in topics from math, reading, science, social studies, language and health. The website is meant to give supplemental instruction for students in grades preschool up until 2nd grade. Parent pay 9.95 a month or 79.95 per year to have access to the website and can pay more to have access to more personalized assessments and progress tracking.

While I have personally never have been on ABC mouse I know of children who have and read a wide range of reviews online to see that this website isn't without it's flaws. Some of the biggest draw backs about ABC mouse is the ability to cancel they as a company make the consumer jump through a lot of hoops in order to cancel their subscription. Another draw back is the lack of challenging material for higher levels such as 1st or 2nd grade. Unless your child is struggling a lot in the classroom parents wont see the improvement in their child's academic scores for the money spent. The positives about the website is its well rounded approach to learning where printables, videos, puzzles and games that are included in each lesson. The curriculum is progressive and can be adjusted to meet each child's individual needs.

My opinion of while the idea is good ABC mouse needs improvements in order to make it worth wild for a parent to invest in it for their child especially if the child isn't behind in their grade. I feel this is a great tool for children needing more help outside the classroom and much cheaper than hiring a private tutor.

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