Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Driveline Baseball

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 Driveline Baseball is a place in Seattle where the top technologies of baseball are used to analyze your game. These technologies consists of radar guns, video, and simulators all of which give you an idea on how to improve yourself as a player. I find this to be very fascinating that technology has come so far in anything that we do. The video taken, can be analyzed and broken down into segments for the person to see what they did and how to correct that. Not only video, but the radar guns that tell you the velocity of the ball also state many other things. One of the key things it shows is the spin and movement of the ball. Those two things have become the biggest criteria for getting into professional baseball, so seeing your exact results and learning how to improve them is a major step in the right direction, if you have dreams of pursing a career in baseball.

The one bad takeaway from Driveline baseball is that it is very expensive. To maintain and keep all the new technologies running their best, it comes at a hefty cost. The cost is about $7,000 a year. The reality is it depends on how serious you are about continuing a career in baseball. If baseball is what you want to do, then this is the perfect technology for you.

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