Wednesday, September 18, 2019 (ST) is a great resource for K-12 teachers who are looking for different and diverse ways to incorporate statistics into their students’ learning. The site provides all sorts of education articles, lesson plans, announcements, professional development opportunities, technology, assessment, and classroom resources specific to the teaching of stats. The site creation is the result of a joint collaboration between the American Statistical Association and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. is extremely simple to use and navigate. There are eight tabs across the top navigation bar that allow the user to access most resources within two clicks. For example, under their “Technology” section, teachers will find articles and links to various tools like iNZIGHT that help teachers bring stats “to life”.

Teaching statistics can be challenging. ST helps by providing full lesson plans under a very easy to find “Lesson Plans” section. Teachers can access at least one lesson plan for most K-12 grade levels and each plan is connected to specific CCSS standards. Most lesson plans incorporate a graphing calculator and strongly encourage the use of statistical software if available.

All in all, the site is a great starting point and takes some of the “scary” out of teaching stats!

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