Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Rokenbok Education

Rokenbok education is a kind of program that allows students to program certain figure they build themselves. So they are given these plastic building blocks that have gears, bridges, and wheels. With these they can choose to build whatever they want. Then they are able to program this figure to do what they want. The aim for the school is to build programmers and engineer thinkers as they do athletes. the main goal of this type of education is to keep children interested in science and to carry on this higher level of thinking before high school. This is because it is known that many students after fourth grade loose interest in science. This helps keep it alive, builds relationships between the students and allows for teamwork in the classroom. The website allows teachers to buy materials, watch videos, download content and overall learn about Rokenbok itself. I find these approaches to learning science very interesting as it is what I aim to go for in the future, and it is very reassuring that education is changing so drastically to keep up with our technological advances that affect our children every day.

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