Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Crash Course

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Crash Course
Crash Course is definitely something every teacher should use. Crash Course has tons of science and history (mainly targeted toward these two subjects) videos that are short and very informative that can be used for all grades. These videos go straight to the point and along with them, they have worksheets dedicated to each video. In these videos, they explain the topic through animations that can visually help students understand. Crash Course is something teachers can use to further explain a topic or to clear up any confusion. I think the only downside of the videos is that they can be a bit fast paced and sometimes can go off-topic; however, other than that, the creators are always posting new videos. The Crash Course videos doesn't have to be presented in class but I think they are a great resource to use outside of school if students are stuck on something. I've always find myself watching these videos because they are incredibly helpful and fill in the gaps; these videos really do help students understand. There is also Crash Course Kids that is targeted towards younger kids, such as elementary/middle schoolers. Watching the videos is free and they can be found on their website or on YouTube.

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