Sunday, January 21, 2018

Interactive Whiteboards


         What is an interactive whiteboard? They are extensions to your computer. In other words, it is a very large computer accessory. It can mirror the display on your computer or be used as a projector screen. One of the main functions is the whiteboard feature, one can write directly on the screen using the special markers and erase it when done. The size of an interactive white board can range from 77 inches to 100 inches. There are many different brands of interactive white boards. The most popular is the “Smartboard” by Smart Technology. How to choose the right one? Somethings to consider when picking one are How large is your average audience, resolution, and your budget.  Interactive white boards can range in price from $600 to $1000, depending on the model and brand you want. Personally, I believe interactive white boards are great tools to have in any classroom. They are fun interactive way to teaching. The only downside I can see it the cost. For a teacher who is on a strict budget it could be hard to get one. Also, one must consider the brand, if the reviews are bad why would you want that product. Before buying an interactive white board for your classroom I would suggest researching all the types before deciding.

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