Sunday, January 28, 2018


Ducksters Educational Site


Ducksters is an educational website intended for students of all ages. Ducksters has a variety of games that include every school subject which makes it easy for students to learn at home whenever they're struggling with a certain subject. Some games are educational such as math or social studies, and some games are for fun such as typing or arcade; so this is a win-win situation for kids! On the bottom of the website, there are multiple topics, such as World History, US History, Science, Biographies, Math, and Geography, that can be clicked to view an informative article for students to read and learn about. This is a great feature because if students, for instance, are confused about what they're learning in social studies or science class, they can be able to learn about it at home on this safe website. Their articles are simplified so these students can understand and can be easily remembered. With these articles, they can apply what they learned by playing the games right after since they have tons of games targeting each subject. On iTunes, parents are able to purchase educational history books created by Ducksters for their children; this is one part that I like about this website because they're able to read and learn on the go.

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