Wednesday, January 24, 2018



            As technology keeps rising more and more teachers are starting to use technology in their classrooms. One type of technology being used is Chromebooks. These are small, basic laptops. Like any laptop they can hook to the internet, operate Microsoft office, and so much more. Teachers are bringing these in to their classrooms for students to use for projects, papers and even for everyday lecture. They can be used in just about every class. The chromebooks can be sold in cases of 10 to 30. They often come with a storage case. The priced range from $500 to over $1000. Personally, I think these are a great addition to a classroom or a school. I remember when I was in grade school we had about 4 cases of chromebooks and the teacher had to sign them out for the class. Each student would be assigned one to use and we could use it to work on our projects. I always thought it was so cool being able to use a laptop in class. The students would love the chance to interact with technology and gain more skills using it. The only down side could be the price. However, they can be shared, one school could buy a case or more of them and the teachers would simply have to reserve them. Overall chromebooks should definitely be apart of any classroom.

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