Thursday, January 18, 2018



   Bee-Bots are exciting little robots. They were designed to help young children with learning. These tiny little robots can help teach counting, sequencing, problem-solving and used to teach the kids a little something about robots. These easy to operate little robots can be loaded with 40 commands such as left, right, forward and backward. These bots can be purchased individual for around $70 or in Hives. A bee hive can be bought for around $600, this includes 6 bees, a charging pad and a transport bag.  In my opinion these bee bots can be useful tools for elementary students. They can use them for simple math or in a project where the students can build a maze and guide the bot through using commands. The only downside to these bots is the price, for a teacher you can’t simply buy one for a whole class and if you have limited funds buying a whole hive could be out of the question.

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