Friday, November 27, 2015


When a child is sick it is natural for the majority of the parent’s attention to go to that child. However, this can often unintentionally leave siblings feeling left out. Since Child Life Specialists are responsible for the emotional and social needs of a patients sibling they need resources for this. SuperSibs! Is a website that provides support and resources for siblings of children with cancer. The website has a variety of applications.
One use of the website is for a CLS to use it in implementing programs with siblings. The website has a specific page dedicated specifically to hospital professionals who are assisting siblings that is located here. Having this resource available provides the CLS with support and it provides the sibling and their family support that is easily accessible at home.
Another beneficial factor of this website is the compilation it has of camps that are especially for siblings and their families. Siblings need support too so these camps are places for them to be able to express their feelings in an emotionally safe and supportive environment. It also allows the CLS to reference this so they can find a camp for a family that may not be in the area the CLS is familiar with. A special page is devoted strictly to sibling’s stories and voices. This page allows for other siblings to hear from their peers about similar situations and feel like they are not alone in their situation. This is beneficial to a CLS as well so that they can utilize the videos in the hospital sitting when a sibling support group or peer is not available for the sibling to speak with.

The website also offers additional resources if the ones on the website are not sufficient for the family’s needs which I think makes it even more valuable. 

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