Friday, November 20, 2015

"Smart" Devices for Education

If you have or have ever had or have an iPhone, iPod, or iPad you know that the device has some of its own apps. Every time I get a new phone, or technology of any sort I absolutely have to mess with all the settings and see what anything the phone provides me with. A lot of the apps that the phone provides I never use. Often times it is simply things I don't need or things I'm not interested in. A good example of one is the stocks application on my iPhone. I know nothing about stocks nor do I understand any of the numbers it reads. Unfortunately I do not have an option of deleting this particular app so it sits inside a folder named "Extras." 

I first had an iPod in 2009, at the time it was my first "smart" device. I was still carrying around a flip phone (which I loved). This was the best thing I have ever owned. I had 10 pages filled with different games, music, wallpapers, random pictures I would save, notes, & other random things. There has been huge changes since then. I currently have the iPhone 6s. I can't remember which update exactly involved some new apps, but I've had a chance to take a look at them. Some of which I have used as well, or played around with. 

Voice Memos: Now the name isn't  all that, but it could be a great use in class. I took speech last semester, it was about voice articulation. My professor mentioned that it was a good idea to record yourself speaking, and then listen to your own recording. Often times we think we sound good but we don't always notice our imperfections. A lot of us found that hearing ourselves helped us improve in our speed, timing, pronunciation as well as our breathing. Perhaps you don't have a speech class, but the voice memos app could help prepare for a presentation in class. Many times we are asked to present in front of a group and we get nervous because we don't want to say the wrong things. Recording your voice is sort of a twist on index cards. 

Keynote: This is basically the same thing as PowerPoint. You are able to create a presentation on this app. It of course has less tools and formats than you would get on a computer but it works just as well. You also have the option of emailing your presentation to yourself or someone else. You can send a copy in PowerPoint, Keynote or PDF format. This is a good app when you are on the go. It allows you to have the comfort of creating a presentation while you sit at the doctors for example. This is also a good way to study what you will say for specific slides as well. Saves the hassle of carrying your computer with you. You can even study on your break at work!

Pages: In this app you have an abundance of templates to pick from. It is similar to Word. In this app you can type essays, make brochures, business cards and so on. This is also a good to do your work on the go, although I recommend editing it on Word so you are sure everything is correct. It is a great way to start your essay. You can also use this to take your notes on or maybe rewrite your notes. It is a good way to study as you do other things. You are able to send a copy to yourself or someone else as a PDF, Pages, Word, or ePub format. 

I understand that many apps for iPhones cannot be downloaded on other "smart" devices. There is always similar apps that you can download. Maybe you can't use it to the full extent but even if you could take your notes in the "notes" app it could help you as well. Sometimes I randomly remember an idea for a project in class or an essay I have coming up, so it helps to write it down on my phone so I won't forget later. Also it is a rare time when my phone isn't in my hand. So the fact that these particular apps are on my phone motivates me to actually do the work just because I don't have to take out this huge device. 

Your smart phone has many other educational apps that you are able to download. It all depends on your needs. Even an app like YouTube can help as well. There are many instructional videos that help you understand a possible problem area for you. Math for example, there are many videos that are able to teach you how to solve a certain type of problem. All you have to do is pull out your "smart" device and search for it. I think using our phones for education can be really great when used wisely and to its full extent. There are many possibilities you just need to look into it. I think it is also a good way of keeping you interested at the same time as well.

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