Saturday, November 14, 2015

ESL/L2 Acquisition Via Technology

As I am on my journey to become an educator I am quickly learning that technology can be used to enhance most educational situations.  I have chosen to study ESL (English as a Second Language) as my minor so I decided to research how technology could be used to enhance an ESL classroom setting.  I came across an article that advocates using technology to increase success in an ESL classroom and in language learning (L2) classrooms in general.  In the article, Technology and L2 Learning, Dr. Gianfranco Conti uses the terms “interactional writing” or “writership” to define how people communicate via text.  Forms of technology such as social media, texting, email, etc. can expand language acquisition as it requires people to communicate effectively without using language cues such as, inflection, facial expressions or hand gestures.  People use such inferences to create an understanding and such inferences may be difficult to communicate via text.  

“Whether we like it or not, the vast majority of our students communicate via social media or other forms of instant messaging. Hence, if we are to prepare them for communication in the real world this phenomenon cannot be ignored. Teaching interactional writing skills is therefore a must, in my opinion.” 
-Dr. Gianfranco Conti

The article also claims that “writership” is an important component of ESL and L2 as it requires a certain level of comprehension of the language in order to do so.  Using “interactional writing” in language learning settings compels students to give more meaningful and coherent responses and generates conversation.  By having students engage with one another through technology via an online classroom environment, they will be more enthusiastic about responding and they will simultaneously be practicing communication in the language they are learning.    An online classroom setting also allows for teacher intervention, editing and assessment.  I believe if students are able to communicate through writing the language they are learning, they will be more comfortable speaking the language, making it feel and sound more natural.

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