Friday, November 20, 2015

Explore Better Teaching Methods

With time goes on, this semester comes to an end within a month. This is my first time studying in America. I learned a lot from this society to the study system to chatting with different people to visiting different places in America. I really cherish these memories. I also found out some points that the reason why the educational system in America is advanced. Parents give a proper space to their children to do what they want to do, and in the meantime teachers respect everyone’s personality that they allow students to do anything in class except breaking school rules. 

Although the educational system in America is better than that of China, but we also need to look forward, to have better educational methods. (5 School Technologies To Watch: Personalized Learning Is Here) So the key point of what the educators need to do is to enhance each person’s personality and then to encourage students to be specialists in the field that they are really interested in. Combing with the adaptive learning, mobile technologies and gamifications, students will have a customized learning experience. Just like the online classroom (Here's the Interactive Future of Higher Education: synchronous learning lessons.), students will put more passion and energy into the course what they chose.

The excellent teaching skill is a final goal for educators. With the development of the technology, educators need to think more about the teaching method which combines mobile technology with conventional ways together. We need to lead students to get passion to study and to guide them to find themselves in what they are really interested in. Using technologies can solve the conventional problems such as low-efficiency studying, no-interest in studying, same methods to teach every students and so forth. And education needs to change as fast as technology. The level of education depends the future of a country. So following trends of this era is a better way to enhance the quality of education.

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