Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Green Brothers

    In this day and age, people are consumed with the internet and videos on the internet. One of the biggest places to go to watch videos on the world wide web is Youtube. Youtube is a website where anyone can share videos of any length. However, some of these videos can be great for learning and the Green brothers are people to look out for when wanting to learn about certain subjects. 

    John and Hank Green are brothers who produce online educational videos that are straight to the point and fun to watch on their shared channel Crash Course. John Green creates American/World history and linguistic videos aimed towards Middle and High school students but I think they’re great for anyone. Hank Green produces STEM-related videos for people of all ages. He explains all questions anyone can have about biology, chemistry, physics, and more. These videos contain lots of information and are fast-paced. 

    Throughout high school, the Green brothers have occupied my history and science classes because they’re great resources for not only students but teachers as well. John Green specifically helped me study for my US history AP exam because he is so thorough and great at explaining difficult concepts. Hank Green, on the other hand, has moved platforms onto TikTok which is a social media app millions of people use. He answers random, weird science questions and makes short, 1-minute videos explaining whatever people ask. I love watching them.

    As a future middle school teacher, I want my students to be able to have fun resources like the Green brothers to help them understand concepts. I like how these brothers explain concepts in a short amount of time and are easy to understand. All of their videos are 10-15 minutes long so they dont take up the entire class time/day. 

FUN FACT: I actually met John Green in Chicago on a class trip!!

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