Friday, January 22, 2021

Find Scholarly Articles

Teachers always reiterate to make sure students are using reliable and truthful information when doing any kind of research. In Particular, they tell us not to use Wikipedia because anyone can change the information. Instead of searching long and hard for useful information, Google has a tool to help. It’s called Google Scholar. Google Scholar gives a straightforward method to extensively look for academic writing. From one spot, you can look across numerous controls and sources: articles, theories, books, modified works, from scholarly distributors, colleges, and other sites. Google Scholar causes you to find important work across the universe of insightful exploration. You can find just about anything when using Google Scholar. 

I think it’s important to have tools like this because students can be very gullible. I know I am because anything I see on the internet, even if it looks true and real, I will believe. When doing research, especially for a topic that needs to be extensively paid attention to, students need to make sure that their sources are reliable and credible. I find that using Google Scholar helps me find articles and theories that I wouldn't be able to find just by doing a normal Google search. I like how you can select a specific date or year. This helps when a teacher assigns a research paper and requires sources that are no more than six months old. Another great feature is saving articles or things you find, to your personalized library. Everything is safe in one place. 

I believe that this resource is great for students, teachers, and just about anyone. There are so many articles, academic books, theories, and more that you won't be able to find when doing a simple Google search. Google Scholar has access to free and reliable resources that will make essays so much stronger.

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