Thursday, January 21, 2021

Grammarly the Much Needed Second Look

  Take a second to think about how many papers you have written in your academic career. Now take a second to ponder how much time you spent proofreading them just to find out you still miss something. Grammarly is a free extension that automatically makes grammar corrections. Not only does it provide insightful feedback in real-time it also offers replacement synonyms. I previously mentioned using it when writing papers but it assists your writing on any platform whether that be on an email or even on this blog post. In addition to the various benefits, I have just mentioned the true cherry on top is that it is completely free! Grammarly makes receiving and setting up an account simple and it probably will only take a few minutes of your time, if that. Although their basic program is free if you are looking for help with more advanced writing assistance Grammarly offers a premium program that does come with a fee. This relatively new writing assistance tool is something that everyone should seriously think about getting.

    In my personal experience, it saves time in the long run and I am sure teachers appreciate not having to correct small grammar errors. Furthermore, it has helped me sound more professional when I write. Grammarly takes spell check to a whole other level. Honestly, I have not any type of grammar expert by a long shot, and most of the time I can not spell to save my life. Thus, my discovery of Grammarly has exponentially improved my grammar.  

    Since most of us reading this blog are future teachers I would like to discuss what the future looks like with Grammarly. I am planning on becoming a science teacher and I will use Grammarly in my email to parents or in presentations for the students. However, English teachers will deal with this program more readily. All in I believe that Grammarly is a helpful tool to use when writing anything.  

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