Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Imagine, if you will, sitting in your math class.  The teacher is furiously scribbling examples, definitions, and equations on the board, all while lecturing on their meanings and how to use them.  You are, also, scribbling as fast as you can, trying to capture every detail of what the teacher is telling you.  All of a sudden, you remember that you forgot to put your cereal bowl in the sink and...wait!  What did the teacher just say?  What does that equation mean?

This situation happens all too frequently to students and they are left to either struggle to catch up, risk embarrassment by interrupting the teacher to repeat something, or, worse yet, do nothing.  It raises the question: is there a better way to ensure students have access to everything you are lecturing?  This is the problem that I am hoping to solve in my math class, and an app like ExplainEverything is, nearly, a perfect solution.  ExplainEverything is a cloud-based, digital whiteboard app that can be used on Smart Boards, tablets, phones, or your web browser.  It, simply, is a digital whiteboard that allows you to create recordings of every pen stroke, in real-time, along with a voice recording!  This would give students the ability to look back at everything that you presented and hear what you were saying at the same time!  Since it is based in the cloud, students that are given access to the “project” can go back and view it at their convenience, or when they need it.  No more do they need to stress about missing a detail during the lesson or try to get a copy of their friend’s notes.  ExplainEverything is a great resource, I would highly recommend spending some time with it!

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