Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Dash Bot from Wonder Workshop

I had the opportunity to use Dash Robots (the bigger one in the video) when I was a substitute STEM teacher. This robot is the coolest thing I have ever seen! It works off of coding and comes with free apps for iPads, tablets, or really any smart device. I mostly used only one of the 3 apps that the iPads I worked with had on them. It allowed students to create their own codes for the robot to complete. It also had the ability to lead the students through multiple training missions to become more familiar with the robots capabilities. Children can code Dash to drive across the room, dance, make different noises such as animal sounds, among other actions. All of the students absolutely loved this robot. Since it does work off of coding it gives the students practice with these skills and helps prepare them for a future with even more technology. The robots cost about $150 but it is well worth it. They are built extremely sturdy and would be tough to break without intending to. I babysit two of the students that go to the school I used these at and these robots are now at the top of their Christmas lists. I LOVE them! If you ever get the opportunity to use Dash Robots definitely do, it is well worth it.

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